Westminster's gates, doors and turnstiles are often used at facilities and venues to control who is able to enter and when they can enter.
Westminster's Vehicle Access Mitigation Systems incorporate access control to prevent unauthorised vehicles reaching their intended target area, and barriers, to impede or delay a hostile vehicle’s progress
Westminster's Ballistic Defense systems are involved in the detection, tracking, interception, and destruction of attacking missiles.
With a growing number of cars on our roads, organisations are looking for ways to not only control the use of their parking areas but also to cover the costs of the local rates that they are paying. However, the technology and manpower needed to turn the space into a revenue collecting operation will require capital and all too often, organisations will have more projects requiring capital than it has capital available. Using finance leasing, Westminster's vehicle revenue systems deliver immediate monthly income from the parking area, without the need for any uncovered, upfront or ongoing cost.